Ahmad Khalid Hakimi

Ahmad Khalid Hakimi

Electrical Engineer

Highest degree :


Field of study :

Electrical Engineering

Location :

Kabul -Afghanistan

Citizenships :


Experience :

15 Year(s)

Countries :


Gender :


Sectors :

Power Transmission&Substation

Fully expert and professional in Electrical field Solutions-oriented and analytical with history of success assisting to reliable, Graduated from Electric and Electronic Department of Engineering Faculty of Kabul University having 15 years of experience of Maintenance and Implementation of Substation, Transmission and Distribution system of HV and MV , Wiring Design, Transformer and MV Switchgear, Power Distribution Boards and etc., according to IEEE- NFPA-NEC & other related codes and other standards; Excellent troubleshooting skills; Familiar with Power Plant system; Management skill in the field of Electrical Equipment’s installation, testing and commissioning, Communicating with clients and contractors, familiar with all QC and QA affairs in electrical works, and fluent in Dari/Pashto and English languages in all parts as well.


Electrical Engineer

Kabul Afghanistan


July 2008


October 2014

As a Substation maintenance engineer

Electrical QC Engineer

Parwan-Kapisa provinces Afghanistan

State Corps Engineering Inc.

October 2014


December 2016

NEPS Phase II&III 220kV/110kV Transmission Line and Substation US Army Projects as an electrical QC

Senior electrical Engineer

Paktia-Khost Provinces Afghanistan


December 2016


October 2019

NEPS Phase IV PAKTIA-KHOST 220kVTransmission Line and Substation US Army Project as a senior electrical Engineer

Site manager

Bamyan province Afghanistan

Tagin Construction Company

October 2019


December 2020

UG Distribution network project of ADB as a site manager

Electrical QC Engineer

Kandahar,Zabul ,Helmand provinces -Afghanistan

ZNCC (Zuwakman Nabizai Construction Company)

December 2020


September 2021

SEPS COMPLETION PHASE II &NEPS-SEPS Connector Substation ,Multiple provinces of US Army project as an electrical QC engineer

Experience with financing agencies

ADB,US Army corps of Engineering