Andres Millan
General Manager
Highest degree :
Field of study :
Accounting and Finance
Location :
Citizenships :
Experience :
30 Year(s)
Countries :
Gender :
Sectors :
Building and Construction
Civil Engineering
Among Others, I have executed the following works with structural projects and calculation • Buenos Aires Catering Building , Company = PROMACO - Client SERVENTE CONSTRUCCIONES- 3,800 m2 - Budget US $ 760,000 Term: 12 months • Meller industrial plant - steel structure Villa Mercedes –San Luis - Arch. Orlansky (5400 m2 - Budget: US $ 864,000) • WORK San Sebastián industrial plant - precast Concrete structure - Colón - Province of Bs. As. (5,700 m2) -Company PROMACO. (Budget: US $ 110,301) Term of work 16 months • Unicenter Shopping, commercial building, precast Concrete structure Paraná and Panamericana, PROMACO Company. • Carrefour Liniers. Industrial plant - precast Concrete structure (28,000 m2) - PROMACO Company - Client: SKS. S.A. (budget: US $ 1,136,150) • Cepas Arg. - Gancia - San Juan - industrial plant - Concrete structure and steel roofing structure (11,000 m2) .- Graziani Company. • Baesa Plant.- Coca-Cola - industrial plant - Concrete structure and steel roofing structure Amancio Alcorta - (7500 m2) CABA. Graziani Company. • Industrial Precision Plant -industrial plant - Concrete structure and steel roofing structure (3780 m2) Tigre –Km 43.5 Route 9. • Complex Libertad 1651 CABA - Est. Pedregal Peral. Ing. Fink. (Three towers, 7500 m2). • Colegio New Model International Schooll - Salvador 1256- Cap. Federal - (3500 m2 - four months Completed) AM Construcciones • Colegio San Lucas - Olivos. Bs. As.- est Metálcia Edif.olimodal, Assembly hall (850 m2) • Peron 966- Est. Metallic, basement 700 m2. Reinforcement and ref. vault of 1910. • Construction of the Nuevo Quilmes Neighborhood House- Arch. María Chela. (300 m2) design verification of stalls and structure with Trykalc 4.1. • Covered work in Barrio Alvarado, 4500 m2 of metallic structure roof, veneer, and metalwork. Authentic key holder of CyPE CAD and CYPE 3D
Real Estate Developer
Steel Estructure Designer
Concrete Estructure Designer
Project Manager
Contract Administration
Business Administration
General Manager