Dr Rasoolgul Samar
National EMR/EHR consultant
Highest degree :
Field of study :
Public Health
Location :
Citizenships :
Experience :
15 Year(s)
Countries :
Gender :
Sectors :
Public Health
Dr Rasoolgul Samar is graduated from Nangarhar Medical Faculty in 2005 with a Medical degree. Since then he has been working in Public Health System in Afghanistan at different positions with different Organizations. He was involved in health related operational and research activities in the country and got enough experience in surveillance, M&E and Health Management Information System. He got short courses in Health System Management and Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Surveillance Courses in Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan. He was involved in a large-scale survey on Private Sector Health Services Provision in Afghanistan. He was awarded MPH degree from James P. Grant School of Public Health, Dahka, Bangladesh in 2012, and has done his thesis on mHealth services used in delivering MNCH care in urban slums of Dhaka. Since his return from holding MPH degree, he was involved in UNICEF Funded project, Polio Learning and Training Needs Assessment survey in Afghanistan, One Health Assessment in Afghanistan, Epidemiological and clinical patterns and risk factors for Q-fever among people with history of fever of unknown origin in Helmand province, and KAP study of health-care providers in public and private health facilities in Kabul with respect to diagnosis and treatment of zoonoses. He also developed standard operation procedures (SOPs) for the International Relation Department of the MoPH. He has awarded MPH degree from Massey University, New Zealand in Infectious Disease Epidemiology (Biosecurity) focusing on Zoonotic diseases such as Rabies, CCHF, Toxoplasmosis Q-fever, Brucellosis. He has done Economic evaluation of Disease Control Policy Options on Zoonotic diseases. He also developed National Strategic Plan for Prevention, Control and Elimination of Cholera cases in Afghanistan. He has provided emergency response to manage COVID-19 patients in Logar province including multi-sectorial approach, public awareness, surveillance, diagnostic, vaccination, and treatment facilities to reduce burden of the disease in the province. After joining Ministry of Public Health, he has been providing technical and development assistance to HMIS/DHIS2 and surveillance departments of MoPH-Afghanistan response to emergency program and utilize and analyse the DHIS2 data, data quality checks (Data Quality Assurance), introduced and expand EMR system to national hospitals, development of concept notes, guidelines and SOPs, in creating indicators and targeted dashboards for different MoPH programs/ department and key stakeholders, conduct HMIS refresher training and provide feedbacks to the NGOs and other DHIS2 users. He has gained experience with many tools that are used for disease control, surveillance and disease investigation and worked on Principles of Disease Control and Management that provides a framework to bring these tools into integrated surveillance system and disease control programs such as Private health sector and tertiary health care to a united surveillance system at national level. Recently he has completed Population Health Informatics six months course from James P Grant School of Pulic Health and CUNY SPH Graduate School of Public Health & Health Polich and now involved in HER project evaluation of MoPH and data management and analysis at national level.