Koupeur Tarhonde
Private consultant in Programs Management
Highest degree :
Field of study :
Location :
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
Citizenships :
Experience :
26 Year(s)
Countries :
Gender :
Sectors :
Humanitarian Aid & Emergency
Development, WASH, Resilience, Food Security, Livelihood, Food commodities management, Education
Food Resources Manager
Niamey, Niger
World Vision
April 2006
-September 2007
Mr. Koupeur oversaw and provided technical and direct management for two WFP and World Vision Network-funded food aid programs providing Nigerien children under five years old fortified food. The $3.1 million Blanket Feeding Program 2006 in Maradi and Zinder benefited 89,934 children under five years old and the $4.3million Blanket Feeding Program 2007 in Maradi, Zinder, and Tilaberi benefited 136,425 children. He supervised the receipt, storage, and distribution of fortified food commodities and oversaw monitoring and reporting to ensure that the project complied with World Vision and donor policies and procedures. He facilitated proper coordination and integration with all departments and other development programs and recruited and built the capacity of WFP’s nearly 40 country and field office staff.
Commodities Manager
Monrovia, Liberia
World Vision
December 2003
-April 2006
Mr. Koupeur managed all food commodities for World Vision Liberia and was responsible for their receipt, storage, and distribution, as well as monitoring to ensure compliance with World Vision and donor policies and procedures. As part of a $2.8 million WFP-funded project, he oversaw general food distribution to 75,000 IDPs, vulnerable persons, returnees and refugees in four camps. He also oversaw the WFP-funded $1.3 million school feeding project targeting 221 schools and 65,000 children in three counties. Along with partners at Catholic Relief Services and Africare, Mr. Koupeur was also responsible for implementation of the Food for Peace and OFDA-funded $2.1 million Community Rehabilitation and Resettlement Project (CRRP) that supported nutrition, food for work activities. He served as liaison with World Vision support offices, donors, partners, and local and regional government officials. He helped to recruit and build the capacity of 68 staff in five field offices, as well as the primary office in Monrovia.
School Feeding Project Manager
Karusi, Burundi
World Vision
June 2002
-December 2003
Mr. Koupeur oversaw project implementation for a $1.6 million WFP-funded school feeding project in Burundi providing 26,000 students in 32 schools a hot meal at lunch and take-home ration for female children every month. He managed the project’s food commodities ensuring that they were properly received, stored, and dispatched to project schools. Mr. Koupeur was also responsible for training cooks in proper hygiene and nutrition, organized trainings for parent-teachers association (PTA) members about the role of school feeding in educational attainment, and sensitized parents and community members on the importance of girls’ education. He served as liaison with the Ministry of Education and other local authorities and was responsible for coordinating with the provincial health department regarding administration of deworming medication. Mr. Koupeur facilitated project human resources, training and hiring staff and supervising their activities. He also prepared monthly and quarterly reports to submit to WFP.
Commodities Manager
Goma, DR Congo
World Vision
January 2002
-May 2002
Mr. Koupeur provided technical and direct management for $345,653 WFP-funded food aid project providing monthly food distribution to 16,000 households, including 80,000 direct beneficiaries over five months following a volcanic eruption. He also supervised the construction of six schools in Goma. He managed commodity storage, distribution, and monitored and documented commodity distribution to ensure compliance with World Vision and donor standards. Mr. Koupeur liaised with other departments, donors, authorities, and partners regarding food aid availability and lobbied for additional support. He also recruited and trained World Vision’s commodity staff.
Country Director
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
ADRA International
November 2001
-January 2002
Mr. Koupeur oversaw all aspects of an UNHCR-funded classroom construction project in western Cote d’Ivoire designed to integrate Liberian refugee children into Ivoirian school system. He oversaw project start-up and implementation; represented ADRA with donors, host government, and international and national organization representatives, and managed 23 staff.
Chief of Programs
Guiglo, Cote d'Ivoire
ADRA International
November 1999
-October 2001
Mr. Koupeur managed the $1.5 million Liberian Refugee Children Education programand 29 project staff in four field offices. Mr. Koupeur was responsible for coordinating program activities and ensuring that the program incorporated lessons learned, conducted capacity building workshops for teachers, and coordinated with government representatives and other partners on refugee education. Mr. Koupeur was responsible for evaluating commodity distribution to refugee schools and made periodic visits to the schools and warehouses. He supervised monthly financial reporting and prepared progress reports submitted to the regional office and donors. Mr. Koupeur served as member of the Board of Directors on a committee responsible for the education of refugee children in Cote d’Ivoire, allowing him to work in closely and coordinate with government authorities and agencies such as UNICEF, UNHCR, and WFP.
Field Director
Guiglo, Cote d'Ivoire
ADRA International
August 1998
-October 1999
Mr. Koupeur was responsible for UNHCR-funded Frontline Education Project activities within the Guiglo and Danané districts and supervised 13 project staff. In collaboration with the treasurer, he prepared the annual budget for the districts and facilitated coordination with the UNHCR, donors, and local authorities. He was responsible for teacher recruitment, as well as recruitment of principals and field assistants. He made recommendation to the UNHCR for annual teachers’ and principals’ workshops to build their capacity and ensure better school administration.
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
Felix Houphouet Boigny University
March 1993
-January 1995
Major: Biotechnology and Plant Improvement
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
Felix Houphouet Boigny University
January 1991
-January 1993
Genetics Sciences