Malik AlKhawaja

Malik AlKhawaja

Adaptive MEAL and Impact Evaluation Advisor

Highest degree :


Field of study :

Development Studies

Location :


Citizenships :


Experience :

10 Year(s)

Countries :

Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Libya, Tunisia

Gender :


Sectors :

International Development





Adaptive MEAL and Impact Evaluation Advisor MENA/Global

Amman, Jordan

Oxfam GB

February 2023



Provides technical advisory support to regional and country teams in the MENA region with focus on strengthening MEAL systems, and strategies to improving programme quality and evidence based impact; Supports methodological innovation with focus on strategic and evidence based learning at OGB level; Led on learning-focused impact evaluations and commissioned to countries in Africa, Asia and MENA in addition supporting stakeholder and uptake planning to ensure maximum utility; Contributes to OGB’s body of knowledge with focus on system thinking in Impact evaluations and adaptive MEAL approaches and tools and promote its using across OGB countries; Manage the leaning agenda of OGB’s Right, Resilience and Response Strategy with focus on producing evidence based learning against its strategic objectives.

Technical Adviser (Short term consultancy)

Syria (Remotely)

Catalystas Consulting (Pax Syria commissioning agency)

January 2024


April 2024

Assuming a Technical Advisor role of Catalystas Consulting Evaluation Team carrying out the final project evaluation utilising a combination of Outcome Harvesting and Contribution Analysis for the “Promoting a victims’ centred response to Housing, Land and Property violations as an obstacle to Peace and Justice in Syria” Project Implemented by the PAX between 2021 and 2023. Responsibilities included supporting methodology design, developing data collection tools and protocols, quality controlling and contributing to reporting.

Lead Evaluator (Short term consultancy)

Iraq (Remotely)

Catalystas Consulting (ICMP commissioning agency)

September 2023


November 2023

Assumed the Lead Evaluator role of Catalystas Consulting Evaluation Team undertaking the planning and delivery of a final project evaluation utilising a hybrid methodology combining conventional and outcome harvesting approaches for the “Accounting for Missing Persons in Iraq Through a Sustainable Data-Driven and Rule of Law Based Approach” Project Implemented by the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) between September 2021 to 31 March 2023. Responsibilities included designing overall methodological approach, data collection tools and protocols, quality controlling and contributing to reporting.

MEAL Specialist

Tunis, Tunisia

Cesvi Libya

September 2022


January 2023

Managed the MEAL department in Tunisia and Libya; provided ongoing technical guidance and leadership to senior management staff with focus on utilising evidence and learning outputs for decision making; developed learning strategy; developed Libya specific Feedback and Response Mechanism; and restructured the MEAL department with focus on nationalisation, agility, flexibility and competitive expertise.

Regional Design, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Institutional Learning Team, Strategic Alignment Department


Search for Common Ground MENA

November 2019


May 2022

Provided high-level technical advice to MENA leadership and country directors to develop and implement strategies; drafted guidance and learning outputs to strengthen performance; supported evidence-building while leveraging a culture of learning; supported evidence and impact through MEL for Strategies; developed country specific learning agendas; performed as a MENA quality controlled for MEAL outputs integrating best practices and state-of-art approaches; developed country-specific Feedback and Response Mechanisms; developed MEL community of practices (CoPs), etc

Interim Outcome Harvesting Team Leader

Beirut, Lebanon

Search for Common Ground Lebanon

September 2021


February 2022

Carried out the design, planning, and implementation of a final evaluation exclusively utilising the Outcome Harvesting methodology for the Reducing the Risk of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism in Lebanese Prisons project implemented by Search for Common Ground Lebanon from July 2019 - September 2021

National Expert: Co-Evaluator EUTF WASH Portfolio (Short term consultancy)

Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon (Remotely)

Particip GmBH (European Commission commissioning agency)

March 2021


December 2021

Member of the external evaluation team of Particip GmbH undertaking a portfolio level evaluation for the EU Regional Trust Fund – WASH Portfolio in response to the Syria crisis “MADAD Fund” in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon as commissioned by the European Commission.

Research Team Leader (Short term consultancy)

Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon (Remotely)

Third Party Services

December 2020


May 2021

Led a team of researchers and data collectors from Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine and have completed a country-level and Comparative Analysis research entitled “Improving Youth Participation in Emergency Response in Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine” on behalf of the American Friends Service Committee. Responsible for quality controlling, development of tools and research matrices, synthesising country-level analyses into a regional- level analysis, reporting and client communication.

National Expert: Co-Evaluator EUTF HEALTH Portfolio (short term consultancy)

Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey (Remotely)

Particip GmBH

April 2019


November 2019

Member of the external evaluation team of Particip GmbH undertaking a portfolio level evaluation for the EU Regional Trust Fund – Health Portfolio in response to the Syria crisis “MADAD Fund” in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon as commissioned by the European Commission.

MEAL Coordinator – Syria Response

Nicosia, Cyprus

War Child Holland

December 2018


April 2019

Developed project’s MEL plans, SOPs and designed MEL tools with evidence outcomes of planning and implementation; provided technical advise and capacity building of technical advisors, program teams and partner organisations; Ensured real- time monitoring, analysis and reporting with adherence to quality and accountability standards; etc.

Evaluation Consultant


Right to Play Jordan

November 2018


December 2018

Led the design, planning, implementation, and reporting of an End-line evaluation study for RTP's Generation Amazing project Phase III implemented in Irbid, Zarqa, and Mafraq. Output: A thematic-based final evaluation report incorporating governorates level analysis using both multi-method data sources.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer - Azzraq Refugee Camp

Amman, Jordan

Danish Refugee Council

March 2017


October 2017

Supervised participatory MEAL activities to assess the quality, relevance and effectiveness of protection, livelihoods, PSS and CfW programs implemented in Azzraq Refugee Camp; developed a number of multi-method approaches and tools in line with programs needs; undertake monitoring visits, household level interviews, PDMs, community consultations and other MEL practices; etc.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Amman, Jordan

Mercy Corps

September 2016


October 2017

Contributed to developing systematic and realistic M&E plans that capture required data to report on program indicators; Developed, tested, and used data collection tools in line with Mercy Corps standards and programs needs; used ICT for data collection and knowledge management; Analysed data and provided summary reports linked with interactive dashboards; Composed a number of success stories and case studies; etc.

Monitoring and Evaluation and Database Assistant

Amman, Jordan

Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation / DRC

January 2016


October 2016

Carried-out regular field monitoring, household interviews, phone interviews, post-distribution monitoring, pre/post testing, focus group discussions, and community consultations; Assisted in improving existing data collection tools through feedback from beneficiaries and/or experience using the tools; Contributed to the enforcement of HAP and CHS commitments to accountability.

Graduate Trainee

Amman, Jordan

Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation - Jordan

October 2014


December 2014

Social worker Volunteer

Amman, Jordan

Save the Children (Jordan)

December 2015


January 2016

Field research, Trainee

Amman, Jordan

International Youth Foundation

October 2014


November 2014

Sales Assistant (Part time)

Amman, Jordan

Baqala Supermarket

January 2015


March 2017


M.A European Studies

Düsseldorf, Germany


February 2017


September 2018

1.8 Voll Gut (Equivalent to Very Good in GPA rating system) Thesis entitled: “Coordination or competition? The case of humanitarian aid from the EU and its member states in Jordan”

B.A Development Studies

Amman, Jordan

Philadelphia University

August 2011


February 2015

Upper-Class B.A. (Honours) in Development Studies - 92.5 of GPA Thesis entitled: “Agricultural Development in Jordan”

Awards & Certificates

Executive training programme in European and international affairs


Diplomatische Akademie Wien


Conflict Analysis and Applied Actor Mapping

Amman (Remotely)



Media Monitoring for Peacebuilding


Search for Common Ground


ToT in Peacebuilding Data Analysis


Search for Common Ground


ToT in Psychological First-Aid (PFA) for children


War Child Holland


Humanitarian information management




Team engagement training program





Strategic Planning and Implementation

Interpersonal Skills

Leadership and Team Management

Communication Skills

Training and Mentorship

Adaptive MEAL Approaches

Program Quality Assurance

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Technical Proficiency in Tools and Software

Project and Team Leadership

Impact Evaluation design, planning, carrying out

Strategic and Evidence-Based Learning

Data Collection and Analysis

Evaluation and Research Methodologies

MEAL System Development and Management

Technical Advisory and Capacity Building

developing and rolling out MEAL and learning focused guidance