Martins Nuel Adewumi

Martins Nuel Adewumi

Financial Management Specialist

Highest degree :


Field of study :

Accounting and Finance

Location :


Citizenships :


Experience :

25 Year(s)

Countries :


Gender :


Sectors :

Finance & Accounting

I am a professionally qualified Chartered Accountant. I hold a Master of Business Administration (MBA Executive) Degree in General Management and also a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting and Finance. I have more than 15 years of professional experience, in areas including Accounting, Financial Analysis and Financial Management. I am skillful in preparing Financial Statements, Payroll calculations, Cash Flow tracking and Financial Planning, Company Financial performance highlighting areas of strengths and weakness to strategic decision making process. You will observe from my profile that I have had the privileged of working and gaining good experience on projects funded by International Donors such as USAID, The Global Fund and World Bank. I had a distinguished track record of being a proficient financial manager while working with the organisations who were recipients of the projects funded by these International Donors. My personal attributes include high sense of honesty, accountability, transparency, integrity with team spirit, and good professional etiquettes. I am self-motivated, goal driven and result oriented. I strife to always deliver on every assignment, and deliver on time.


Trade Finance Executive


Euro Exim Bank

October 2023



Acts as a Sales Executive and Independent Contractor to Euro Exim Bank. Brokering and introducing financial products and services of the Bank to companies and businesses. Support the sale of Euro Exim Bank trade instruments, funding, account opening and correspondent banking. Introduce and promote the Company’s financial products to the potential customers in globally. Develop new and profitable trade finance channels in varied industries, & segments. Support the sale of the trade Products; that is, Letters of Credit, factoring, export credit and insurance, Standby Letters of Credit, Bank Financial Guarantee, opening of Offshore Accounts etc.

Financial Management Consultant.


Management Sciences for Health (MSH)

June 2019


June 2020

Provided composite financial management services to the National Procurement and Supply Chain Management Programme (NPSCMP) of the Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria. Roles performed included but not limited to: Prepared annual work plans and budgets for the project and monitored budget performance on a continuous basis. Managed relationships with suppliers/vendors. Reviewed and assessed the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial management policies, procedures and processes and identified improvement necessary to meet the new requirements of the programme. Developed the knowledge of finance staff and build their capacity to implement the evolved Financial Management Systems and structures of the new operations. Provided needed training and Technical Assistance in the areas of preparation of reports, documentation of financial transactions, tracking of budgets, and other financial functions that ensured compliance with the Donor financial management standards, policies, procedures and grant agreements. Implemented a policy with clear procedures of zero tolerance for fraud and other forms of financial malpractices. Assisted in the procurement of appropriate Technical Assistance (TA) providers through the development or review of terms of reference, whenever TA services were required.

Project Accountant Consultant.


UNOPS/GF/I Plus Solutions/NPSCMP Fed. Min. of Health, Nigeria

October 2015


July 2019

I was contracted to provide Financial and Accounting management services to Nigeria Supply Chain Integration Project (NSCIP), Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria. Services rendered and successfully delivered included; Prepared annual work plans and budgets, cash flow planning/cash forecasts for the project and monitored budget performance on a continuous basis. Managed relationships with suppliers/vendors. Effective planning, managing, monitoring, and forecasting periodic fund requirements of the project. Implemented well defined and operational financial management systems with clear structures, roles, and responsibilities. Implemented a policy with clear procedures of zero tolerance for fraud, financial mismanagement and other forms of malpractice. Adopted value for money approach to the management of costs and expenses of the project. On a day to day basis, reviewed and assessed the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial management policies, procedures and processes and identified improvement where necessary. Provided continuous mentoring and capacity building of the finance and administrative staff on the project; Provided on the job training and technical assistance in the areas of compliance with Global best practices in financial management standards and policies. Prepared budget re allocations and reprogramming activities in accordance with GF procedural requirements and approval process. Efficiently managed all project assets, ensuring satisfactory level of accountability and controls at all times, maintain asset register, and ensure that adequate insurance covers were provided for Assets during the project lifetime. Proposed realistic and implementable measures to manage project financial risks.

Finance Manager


Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH)

February 2010


June 2015

Worked as The Finance Manager for the Global Fund TB Project for which ARFH was the Principal Recipient in Nigeria. During the period I: Led in the preparation of annual work plans and budget for the project. Played key roles in the medium term (2013 - 2015) strategic planning process, including the work plan and budget development for the eradication of tuberculosis for the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Programme (NTBLCP). Prepared budgets, cash forecasts, budget tracking of expenditure as against budgets and variance analyses with highlights of reasons for deviations from budgets. Prepared periodic and timely financial reports for submission to the Development Partners. Prepared all necessary schedules in support of financial statement and presented same to external auditors for audit exercises. Managed all project assets to ensure proper usage and maintenance. Carried out effective supervision of Project Finance and Administrative staff. Brokered good relationships with Banks, Sub-recipients, Contractors, Auditors and other Statutory Authorities. Managed problematic issues and transactions and ensured their resolution within, and in line with contract and agreement provisions. Delivered all tasks and assignments within the deadlines. Assisted the Director of Finance and Administration when necessary in the discharge of some of his duties. Grant Managed was in excess of US$27M

Projects Finance Manager


International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

November 2004


June 2009

Coordinated the Special Project Unit for 4 Years. Ensured that deliverable of the unit in term of preparation of periodic financial statements of each project were met and on schedule. Continuously reviewed and follow-up on receivables from donors. Prepared annual budget for each projects being managed. Monitored actual expenditure as against the budget for each project. Investigated and responded to FAQs from donors. Monitored and prepared reports on payments made to collaborators on projects activities. Coordinated the closing of monthly accounts. Periodically reviewed the bank reconciliation statements of the Institute prepared by the treasury unit. Liaised with and supported the Institute Scientists and Technical staff to ensure smooth operations of project activities. Consistently returned impressive performance in the face of very challenging and sometimes intimidating situations. Donors projects experiences included USAID, DFID, FAO, Chemonics International, IFAD, CFC, Rockefeller Foundations, CIDA, Harvard PEPFER, Leventis Foundation, CIMMYT, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, etc. Fund managed in aggregate was in excess of US$50m equivalent. Donors funded Projects managed were over 50 in numbers.


West African School Certificate


Adventist Grammar School, Ede

September 1975


June 1980

High School Education in Social Science subjects

Business and Corporate Management


Obafemi Awolowo University

October 2008


January 2010

Business Administration and Corporate strategic development and management

Obtained a degree in Accounting and Finance


University Of Ilorin, Ilorin

October 1981


March 1986

Graduated from the University with Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance, with focus in areas of corporate accounting / financial systems development and procedural management

Very Good
Very Good
Very Good

Budgeting and Budgetary Control. Financial Analysis and Reporting. Financial Management. Development and management of Accounting Systems and Procedures. Auditing and Financial Investigations. Value for Money Reporting. Team Management. Consciousness of meeting deliverable timelines. Resilient in accomplishing tasks Well experience in use of Microsoft Excel, Word and Power Point