Muhammad Sadiq Rohei
Global Programme Management System Specialist
Highest degree :
Field of study :
Data Science
Location :
Citizenships :
Experience :
12 Year(s)
Countries :
Afghanistan, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Germany
Gender :
Sectors :
International Development
Humanitarian Aid & Emergency
Gas & Oil
Mapping and Cadaster
Global Programme Management System Specialist ( ActivityInfo)
United Kingdom
October 2024
 Preparing the initial project data load for different countries.  Loading the initial data sets into the GPMS for different countries.  Geo location development/testing work.  INDIKIT indicator library updates in the GPMS.  System translation work - system itself; How To Videos; visual cue cards.  Development and/or testing of system amends.  Development and/or testing of reports and dashboards.
Information Management Coordinator (GPMS- Activityinfo)
IR Afghansitan
July 2023
-October 2024
 Lead the development of an inclusive, online data collection and management platform with real-time reporting capabilities, ensuring timely, accurate, and high quality data analysis and reporting.  Establish a country-level digital network to collect and report credible data for adaptive project management, external communication, and advocacy purposes.  Coordinate logistics reports, liaise with stakeholders, and manage information dissemination.  Support emergency response, draft operational documents, and maintain web platforms.  Contribute to the development of comprehensive data management policies and operation manuals for IRW Afghanistan.
Information Management Specialist( E-learning system- ActivityInfo)
Map2u International
November 2021
-May 2023
 Provides advisory and technical services for humanitarian information management tools and initiatives, including those related to MAP2U International  Researches and evaluates new information technology applications for humanitarian coordination and analysis, making deployment recommendations.  Participates in improvement projects, contributing to systems analysis, design, and implementation, and providing user support.  Develops system specifications and user documentation, as well as training materials and user manuals.  Supervises user training and ongoing technical support, ensuring efficient use of information management tools.  Evaluates existing tools and implements new technologies to enhance access to humanitarian data.  Ensure quality control, contribute to interagency efforts, and facilitate communication channels.
MIS Regional Head(UNDP-Saving Group System, ASP.NET)
WEERD/world Bank Project
July 2019
-July 2021
 Hires and trains MIS staff for southern provinces, Organizes and oversees the schedules of MIS staff.  Defineresourceallocation,workscopeandresponsibilities ofassigneeandproject timeline.  Driveprojectdirectionandactivelymonitorprojectstatustoensurehighqualityof project delivery.  Define and address problems encountered and decide alternatives/work-around in a timely manner.  WorkcloselywithinternalandexternalTPM(ThirdPartyMonitoring)for the success of project.  Create and maintain records of project documentations.
Data Analyst & M&E
October 2018
-July 2019
 Contributeandbuilddatamodelsandproducedataplansandinformation management tools.  Generatedatavisualizationproducts,includinginfographics,andmaps,using Power BI or othertools,foruseinmeetingsand presentations, asknowledgeproducts, etc.  Operate on data export, conversion, cleaning and export in different data formats, including CSV, Excel-based data, and shapefiles.  Designdatacollectiontools,samplingframeworks,datastorage systems, and analytical products.  LaissewithM&Etocoordinateanddeveloptheprogramactivitiesinatarget community.  Assist the M&E in the ongoing assessment of areas of trainings and support needs of projects staff.  Report andshareallstatisticaldata, meeting minutes, and other necessary information upon request from central office.
Lead Developer ( Tiff Data analysis)
Map2u International
December 2017
-October 2018
 Consultation for technical and financial proposals and managing in hand projects.  Monitoron-goingprojectsprogresswhethertobeexecutedaccordingtotheplanor not.  WorkontheteamthatdevelopsandsupportsTIFFannotationpipelineandweb-base Tools for TIFF analysis.  Design effective solutions compatible with existingsystems.  Programming, spatial analysis, and map modification via web mapping.
Senior Software Specialist
July 2015
-August 2016
 Leadandparticipateinthefullapplicationsdevelopmentlifecycleonprojects assigned by the supervisor supporting enterprise infrastructure.  Preparedusers byconductingtraining;providinginformation;resolvingproblems
Computer Science ( Infomation System)
Nangarhar Afghanistan
Nangarhar University
September 2009
-May 2013
Computer Science ( Applied Computing, AI)
University of Malaya
September 2016
-June 2019
Computer Science ( AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning)
University of Malaya
November 2021
All the requirements is completed , and thesis has submitted , Just awaiting for committee approval and gettind degree
Afghan Government Scholarship
Government of Afghanistan
Given a test and succesed in among 2000 people to government funded scholarship
Islamic Development Bank Scholarship
Got IDB scholarship among countries competition of approximately 6000 peoples
Malaysian International Scholarship
Malaysian Governament
Got the MIS scholarship in competition of approxaimatlehy 20000 candidates