Mujahid Ullah Khan

Mujahid Ullah Khan

Environmental Management and Social Development Specialist

Highest degree :


Field of study :

Environmental Sciences and Urban Planning

Location :

Kabul, Afghanistan

Citizenships :


Experience :

10 Year(s)

Countries :


Gender :


Sectors :

Environmental Sciences

I am an environmental management and social development specialist having Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and second Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning with ten years of experience in different sectors of environment and development interventions such as Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, disaster risk reduction, resettlement and social management, natural resources management, projects management and implementation. I have skills in project planning and execution, monitoring and evaluation, capacity development, impact assessment and survey, public communication and consultation, urban and environmental plans formulation, mobilization and awareness raising and social inclusion and development.


Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Officer

Kabul, Afghanistan

Relief International

October 2023


May 2024

 Prepared and updated health, safety, social and environmental management plans  Advised project staff, contractors, consultants and Health Shura on ESHS matters  Supported the Project Manager in raising awareness on ESHS issues and policies  Conducted risk assessment and administered preventive measures on ESHS  Initiated, organized and conducted ESHS training for RI project team and HFs staff  Ensured that all ESHS policies, procedures, rules and regulations are implemented  Established a full program od documented ESHS inspections, audits and checks  Established the GRM mechanism and procedures for stakeholder engagement  Provided regular reports to the project manager on relevant ESHS activities  Organized community consultation and information sessions on ESHS safeguards  Recorded and investigated incidents to determine the cause and suggested measures  Undertook gender analysis and mainstreamed gender initiatives into the programs  Mainstreamed environmental and social operations into the project activities  Monitored and audited environmental and social safeguard compliance requirements

Project Safeguard Specialist

Kabul, Afghansitan

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development

June 2021


December 2021

 Operationalized, maintained and updated the Environmental and Social Management Plan developed for the AREMTI project across all stages of project execution  Mainstreamed environmental and social management activities into project operations  Identified the potential environmental and social safeguards issues in accordance with the relevant national laws, EIA regulations and the UNDP-SES policies and procedures  Coordinated all social and environmental activities throughout the project cycle from conceptualization to operation and maintenance  Developed, implemented and communicated the GRM mechanism to the relevant stakeholders and maintained record of grievances  Developed safeguards reporting formats and maintained records on established formats  Developed procedures and guidelines on Safeguards in accordance with UNDP, GCF and national laws principles  Supervised contractors and trained project staff to understand and implement the concept of environmental protection in working environment  Worked closely with the Gender Officer and M/E team to ensure that reporting, monitoring and evaluation and gender issues fully adhere the safeguard issues of the project  Maintained necessary environmental and social records and assisted PM on reporting

Environmental Specialist

Kabul, Afghanistan

Ministry of Finance

December 2017


December 2020

 Conduct screening and preliminary environmental assessment of the selected PPP projects to be carried out during pre-feasibility stage  Develop TORs for a comprehensive EIA for the high risks PPP infrastructure projects  Facilitate and train relevant subproject staff to prepare site specific ESMPs  Quality review of Environmental studies to be conducted during full feasibility stage  Assist MoF in evaluation and selection of an independent EIA/ firm EOIs/Proposals for comprehensive EIA  Assist project team and supervise the ESIA and RAP consultancy  Quality review of ES studies (comprehensive & partial EIA/, site-specific ESMP and RAP) prior to share draft reports with Bank for review and clearance  Provide capacity building and training for project staff and private sector companies on overall environmental issues  Provide timely advice to staffs on all aspects of environmental safeguard processing procedures, including consultation disclosure requirements  Work with project staff to brief the various government bodies including the National Environment Protection Agency (NEPA) and Afghanistan Independent Land Authority (AILA) or ARAZI) on projects contents

Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialist

Kabul, Afghanistan

Ghani Consultancy Services

December 2017


December 2018

 Conduct Initial environmental examinations (IEEs) for the project, in accordance with ADB’s SPS 2009.  Prepare IEE reports and summaries for each project based on the environmental assessment requirements of ADB’s polices/guidelines and any applicable procedures or guidelines for environmental and social assessment as required by the Government.  Ensure that the costs for implementation of recommended environmental and social management and monitoring plans is incurred. Capacity strengthening measures If the IEE recommends undertaking a full environmental impact assessment (EIA).  Conduct the EIA and prepare the report and its summary, including an environmental management plan to implement mitigation measures.  Conduct public consultations and information disclosure to affected persons (APs) as required by ADB and Government.  Prepare or update documentation related to environmental assessment containing recommendations for appropriate environmental mitigation measures for identified significant impacts.  Assess measures that may be needed for the implementation of environmental management and monitoring plans.  Supervise and monitor environment management plan and report progress accordingly.

Disaster Risk Reduction Consultant

Kabul, Afghanistan

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development

May 2017


December 2017

 Assisting in the development of MRRD Disaster Risk Reduction strategy for the period of 2017-2021  Strengthening institutional mechanisms and capacities to enhance community and institutional resilience against hazards and disasters  Leading the designing of a monitoring and evaluation system for disaster risk reduction  Documenting existing early warning mechanisms and recommending improvements  Mainstreaming DRR processes and practices at MRRD programs and plans  Designing and administering emergency/disaster preparedness training courses  Leading analytical work such as reviewing the relevant policies, institutional and regulatory framework  Consulting with local stakeholders in the provinces in order to determine their needs and capabilities in the event of a natural disaster or other emergencies

Senior Enviormental and Social Specialist

Kabul, Afghansitan

Ministry of Education

May 2012


August 2015

 Preparing and leading the overall implementation of the Environmental and Social Assessment guidelines and ESMF with the support of advisors and stakeholders  Mainstream and introduce the concept of Environmental and Social Safeguard in program and in project planning and execution  Provide training and building capacity of the safeguard team, provincial staff, program staff and relevant departments  Conducting baseline environmental and social study and screening of projects with respect to anticipated impacts  Devising Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for construction projects and ensuring it inclusion and cost in bidding document  Guiding and supervising the implementation of ESMP by the contractors  Carrying out environmental and social monitoring and auditing to ensure compliance with the ESMP  Developing a Grievances Redress Mechanism (GRM) and establish GRCs at ministry, provincial and projects level  Preparing and submitting regular environmental and social monitoring and ESMF implementation progress reports



Peshawar, Pakistan

Urban and Regional Planning

August 2006


December 2008


Peoject Management

PPP and Private Sector Development

Environmental Management and Social Development

Capacity Development and Training

Accountability and Grievances Management

Disaster Risk Reduction

Experience with financing agencies