Odhiambo Collince Ochieng

Odhiambo Collince Ochieng

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

Highest degree :


Field of study :

Public Health

Location :

Nairobi Kenya

Citizenships :


Experience :

8 Year(s)

Countries :


Gender :


Sectors :


International development

Project management


I am an experienced sustainable development practitioner specialized in monitoring, evaluation, and learning with extensive progressive expertise in programs development and quality management of social development programs in both health and humanitarian contexts. Working with governments, private sector, donor, funders, and communities, I bring over 8 years of progressive advancement in leading and providing technical assistance on quality, usefulness, and usability of performance data and learning from qualitative and quantitative monitoring, evaluation, and learning approaches. I have led and supported the design, planning and implementation of health and development projects through effective monitoring, evaluation, accountability, research, and learning (MEARL) efforts for complex multi-sectoral, multi-county and multi-donor funded programs. My experience cuts across providing advisory and technical support on MEARL to programs related to health development, capacity building, service delivery, advocacy, technology, and innovations to create shared value through collaboration and learning for effective social change and adaptive programming. I have supported programs in various thematic areas such as Health (Nutrition), HIV/TB, reproductive health (RMNCAH), Malaria, adolescent girls and young women, adolescents and young persons, and child protection.