Pedro Hernandez

Pedro Hernandez

International Expert

Highest degree :


Field of study :

Accounting and Finance

Location :


Citizenships :


Experience :

35 Year(s)

Countries :

Spain, Palestine, Paraguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, Panama, Italy, Lithuania, Peru, Guatemala, France, Afghanistan, Somalia

Gender :


Sectors :


Project management

Decentralization and Local development

green economy

Monitoring & Evaluation

Social Development

Business development

 Senior consultant with more than 35 years of professional experience in development cooperation, with solid experience as Project Manager, M&E Consultant, and Researcher. I have leaded and managed different international projects, including large scale projects. I have developed numerous analyses, researchers, monitoring and evaluations of projects, public and private organizations. Designing, implementing, and monitoring programs of economic and social development in different countries.  Senior consultant with solid experience in public policies, at national/regional/local level, for sustainable economic development. Productive sectors, Value Chains and MSMES Strengthening, Sustainability, Circular and Green Economy, Climate Change, natura resources management and efficiency, waste management and sustainable competitive economy.  Strong knowledge of productive development projects and national/territorial competitiveness of MSMES, Cooperatives and Social Economy, Business Strengthening, Innovation, Quality, Environment, Efficiency of Natural Resources and Circular Economy, Employment Plans, Entrepreneurship, PPP (Public-Private Partnerships), in most productive sectors and value chains: Food, Agriculture, Livestock, Agroindustry, Industrial, Artisan, Leather, Tourism, Construction, Services, Hospitality, Tourism, Textile, Metallurgical Metal, Fisheries, Telecommunications, Chemical, Leisure, Communication, Rural Tourism, etc.  Extensive experience in economic and social development projects, Sustainability, Circular Economy, and Climate Change, at the local/national level, as well as development of Innovation, Competitiveness and Sustainability plans.  Strong track creating and strengthening networks with local and international project stakeholders.  Senior expert in International Quality Standards, design, implementation, and audit, in different sectors (ISO 9001, EFQM), Environment and Energy Efficiency (ISO 14001, ISO 5001, FSC), Food Safety management (APPCC, ISO 22000, ISO 17020, BRC, IFS), Circular Economy, Eco Efficiency, Sustainable Energy, Waste Management, etc.  Knowledge and experience in European Union legislation and regulations, implementation, and technical training for both companies and public institutions. Quality Systems, Environment, Circular Economy, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, CE Certification and Conformity and other international compliance systems, regulations.  Experienced expert in project management and project evaluation both EU and other national and international institutions, throughout the project cycle: design, programming, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Project management and evaluations, including consultations and relationships with partners, contracting institutions, stakeholders, and society in general. AECID, EuropeAID, EU ASEAN, EU ALPHA, EU Community Initiative Interreg, EU Now, EU ELAN, EU EDUSI, EU-Hippocrates, EU-Equal.  Proven ability to develop solid partnerships with high-level officials.  Specialist in Public Policies of Employment and Decent Work. Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Public Employment Policies, at national, regional, and local level. Elaboration of Strategic Plans and Reference Frameworks for employment, Action Plans, Promotion and Generation of employment and self-employment. Stakeholders’ participation in Labor Market and Public Policies. Promotion of Social Dialogue among all stakeholders (governments, business associations, cooperatives, trade unions and others). I have also participated in evaluation programs of Public Employment Policies, evaluating the impact achieved, and the reforming the labor market to the inclusion of youth, women, and other disadvantaged groups. Methodology and Analysis of Macroeconomic Variables. Projects of Active Policies of Employment Generation.  I have worked in complex labor markets and different regulations, like Spain, Palestine Occupied Territories, Afghanistan, Honduras, and Morocco. Advising in different programs of reforming labor market to include the more affected and fragile people, facilitating their integration: youth, women, disabled people, old people, migrants, refugees, and displaced people, etc. Developing projects of Training and Capacity Building for employment.  I have a strong experience in university studies, vocational and professional education TVET, specially youth and women, in Spain, and I have worked in other countries like Afghanistan, Palestine, Honduras, with the design of curricula, evaluation of educational programs in relation labor market, design of quality systems for education, development of Strategic Plan and management for TVET center, research TVET and Labor market, certification of TVET curriculums and other works. In non-formal education I have work in several entrepreneurship and startups programs in different countries.  As a Researcher, I have developed different research in the field of economic and social development, business promotion, companies’ internalizations, studies and researches to international markets access for companies and sectors, entrepreneurship and employment. With broad knowledge of SPSS and other statistical programs. Driving in all phases and types of Research: Design Tools Research Methodology, Tools, Data Analysis. Primary and Secondary Research. Exploratory, Descriptive and Causal Research. Also, as Professor of Market Research of the Department of Marketing and Market Research of the University of Alicante, participating as Project Director of various research projects, for more than 15 years.  Professor of Faculty of Economics of the University of Alicante. Professor of Market Research of the Department of Marketing and Market Research of the University of Alicante, participating as Project Director of various research projects. And International Institutions European Union. European Policies. EU Macroeconomic policies.  Researcher. Designing and developing research, advisory, trainer and training programs development.  Work carried out, both in rural and urban environments, in Latin American countries. Advising both public, national, regional and local institutions and international organizations such as the UE, AECID, GIZ, UE ASEAN, UN-UNDP, and others as an expert.


Senior Expert


Independent Expert

May 1998



Economic Development, Project Manager, M&E Consultant, and Researcher

Very Good
Very Good

Economic and social development, Green Economy, Sustainability,

Project Management

Monitoring and Evaluation


Experience with financing agencies