Peter Bauman
Senior Consultant
Highest degree :
Field of study :
Location :
Washington DC
Citizenships :
Experience :
20 Year(s)
Countries :
Nepal, South Sudan, Iraq, Somalia, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Liberia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Israel, Micronesia, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea
Gender :
Sectors :
International Development
Peter Bauman has a Master’s Degree in International Conflict Resolution and over 18 years of professional experience working globally with diverse stakeholders in fragile and conflict-affected environments. He has conducted numerous conflict analyses / political economy analyses and other forms of applied research and he has designed, monitored, and evaluated many programs across a broad range of inter-connected sectors related to conflict prevention, peacebuilding, good governance, human rights, rule of law, peace process support, humanitarian assistance and development in conflict; land and sustainable management of natural resources; climate security and adaptation; stabilization; preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE); youth; women, peace, and security.
Masters Degree in International Conflict Resolution
Waltham, MA
Brandeis University
August 2000
-January 2000
Completed the MA in Conflict Resolution and Coexistence. Received scholarship and two Mellon-MIT fellowships to conduct field-based research comparing the impact of the tsunami and the tsunami interventions on the conflicts in Sri Lanka and Indonesia/Aceh.
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Charleston, SC
College of Charleston
August 1993
-May 1997
Completed BS in Psychology. Studied abroad in the Netherlands and took specialized courses focused on the Transformation of War, Interpersonal Processes, and Economic Pscyhology.