Sekata Assefa Wirtu

Sekata Assefa Wirtu

Monitoring and Evaluation, Accounatbility Expert

Highest degree :


Field of study :

Social Work

Location :

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Citizenships :


Experience :

10 Year(s)

Countries :


Gender :


Sectors :

Humanitarian Aid & Emergency


Progarmme Assosiate- MEAL

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

IOM-UN Migration

December 2021



Monitor, process data and facilitate analysis of progress of project development at country level. Responsible for the design, quality, development, and completion of all assessments, monitoring efforts and evaluations Facilitate AAP capacity building and mainstreaming activities for Programme staff and AAP focal persons to promote the integration of AAP principles and approaches in the IOM programme. Assess, identify gaps and strengthen IOM’s Community Feedback Mechanism (CFM) including the hotline phone among others in all field offices. Contribute to Support the National M&E Officer and the Mission in mainstreaming AAP across all IOM programmes and programme management cycles. Support coordination and management of the Mission wide multiple Community Feedback Mechanism (CFM) including the phone hotline among and between field-office staff, CFM focal points, Information Managers, and Programme Managers. Provide technical support in reviewing and monitoring the CFM through surveys, focus groups discussions, key stakeholder's interviews, etc, and suggest action plans to improve IOM’s accountability to the affected population. Collate, analyze and share summarized CFM reports and recommendations regularly to improve internal controls and enhance the efficiency and quality of the Mission’s programme implementation. Perform other duties as requested by the manager.

MEAL Expert

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


August 2020


December 2021

Set-up and manage the MEAL system for the localization programme considering Welthungerhilfe (WHH) MEAL standards and programme requirement in close coordination with the MEAL Unit at Head office level and the Country Office MEAL Coordinator and Capacity Development Expert Monitor, process data and facilitate analysis of progress of project development at country level. Support revision of project planning documents, particularly with regard to the intervention logic and indicators Promote the use of qualitative monitoring methods. Manage, facilitate and / or implement the conduction of any monitoring activity in the project (surveys as well as qualitative methods) Improve understanding and include accountability practices (methodological set up and consultation during implementation) as information-sharing and Complaint Response Mechanism within the project scope, Manage project evaluations in cooperation with MEAL Unit and the Country Office MEAL Coordinator and Capacity Development Expert, ensuring compliance with the WHH evaluation requirements and follow up. Develop a plan for capacity strengthening on MEAL; organize and undertake training for project and implementing partner staff, local organisations and primary stakeholders, Facilitate reviews and other learning processes, document and prioritize the findings in an adequate form and share with relevant stakeholders as Project Coordinator, Consortium Focal Point, Management Team, relevant counterparts and follow up. Support ensuring quality standards in relevant fields. Documentation of relevant technical procurement processes in accordance with the co-financing agreement or Welthungerhilfe directives Preparation of project reports Works in close collaboration with N/LNGO to ensure timely sharing of updates with cluster as such WaSH, ESNFI, Cash Working group etc (4W matrix and 5W matrix )

Senior MEAL Officer (Monitoring &Evaluation, Accountability and Learning)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Danish Refugee Council

November 2019


August 2020

Lead MEAL team in emergency setting- multi-purpose intervention mainly ECHO and OFDA funded projects. Participate in program design and proposal development. Responsible for the design, quality, development, and completion of all assessments, monitoring efforts and evaluations. Supervise documentation system for MEAL related project documents. Develop and operationalize a MEAL plan based on project documents and existing MEAL systems. Supervise MEAL Officers operation and guide. Technical oversight of all aspects of the MEAL processes Oversee the needs assessments, baseline studies and impact assessments implementations. Capacity building through training, feedback, coaching of the MEAL and programme staff Develop and maintain M&E system in accordance with DRC minimum operational procedures for MEAL and DRC Ethiopia MEAL framework. Facilitate and provide MEAL related capacity building trainings and meetings on M&E Lead data collection tools development and ensure their proper use by implementing teams. Participate in and lead data collection in the field, training of data collectors and support and facilitate data analysis. Develop MEP, DRC’s Performance Monitoring Tracker (PMT), indicator tracking table (ITT) which will be used by the program and MEAL teams to provide monthly updates and analysis of progress against indicators. Lead assessments, including baseline, mid-term, end-line and post-distribution monitoring surveys. Develop MEP, DRC’s Performance Monitoring Tracker (PMT), indicator tracking table (ITT) which will be used by the program and MEAL teams to provide monthly updates and analysis of progress against indicators. Lead the program team in developing DIP development and actively participate in organizing kick off meetings. Lead team in conducting Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM), verification exercises and on site monitoring. Provide support in preparing and reviewing reports and verifying consistency between collected data, means of verification, and the PMT and donor reports. Ensure all accountability policies and procedures and are regulations are adhered to and are fully operational and understood by DRC staff and beneficiaries. Provide informed advice and guidance on improving accountability, including accountability issues related to DRC’s Code of Conduct. Conduct regular field visits to monitor DRC’s compliance with the internal accountability policies and procedures as well as the Core Humanitarian Standards. Organize area office level quarter review meetings and annual review meetings and capture the lessons and share. Provide training on Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS), and beneficiary feedback and response mechanisms. Lead the implementation of Beneficiary Feedback and Response Mechanism, and compliance with DRC standard.


Social Protection

Reduit, Mauritius

University of Mauritius

August 2015


July 0202

Masters of Science in Social Protection Financing
