Syed Taposh
Project Coordinator
Highest degree :
Field of study :
Social Work
Location :
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Citizenships :
Experience :
28 Year(s)
Countries :
Gender :
Sectors :
International Development
Monitoring & Evaluation
Project Management
Stakeholders engagement,Project planning and MAngement
Project Coordinator-USAID funded project
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Waterkeepers Bangladesh
September 2023
Key Responsibilities • Coordinate coalition of the CBOs, private sector, CSOs focused for the advocacy on environmental issues and engage government to respond to community voice. • Promote enactment of policies and legal frameworks related to environmental pollution and SDGs. • Organize meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences, rallies, festivals and campaigns at the community, educational institutions, and polity formation levels. • Ensure event materials/documents/visibility beforehand in collaboration with all concerned engaging vulnerable community and media. • Facilitate and coordinate social media campaigns, documentary production, printing and publications. • Manage timebound program schedules, day to day activities, administrate project team and coordinate the consortium members and collaborators. • Ensure required communication, correspondence, timely & quality reporting, and publication. • Ensure the implementation of project activities following workplan and M&E plan. • Prepare operation’s proposals and draw program reports as well as provide all necessary reports timely required by the project/donor. • Establish and maintain working relationships with consortium members, CSOs, donors and stakeholders. • Organize meetings relating to his/her field of activity and documenting the meetings. Achievements • Developed a policy advocacy roadmap on environmental issues titled “Citizen-led advocacy roadmap recommendations for environmental protection”. • Motivated leaders of different political parties to include environmental conservation issues into their party election manifestos and several recommendations from community people on environmental protection were included in manifestos of political parties participated in the 12th parliamentary election. • Ensured participation of leaders from political parties in activities on environmental issues like liaison and lobbying meeting, campaign, River Talkie (open stage talk show), TV talk show, dialogue etc. • Developed working relationships with medias through arrangement of TV Talk show and other programs. • Working as the Focal Point for a new pilot project supported by Solidarity Centre Inc. USA.
Short term Consultant
Dhaka, Bangladesh
German Doctors e.V.
February 2023
-June 2023
Key Responsibilities • Select payments from the financial reports of the partner to assess and discuss the selection with GD. • Visit the partner organizations and check the documentation of the selected payments (Cover sheet/ journal voucher, posting instruction for accounting, Receipts for invoice, quotations), General documents (Inventory list, Logbook – cars, Quotations for payments, Rent agreements, Appointment letters, Registration details of trainings) • Provide feedback to the partners verbally on the observations of the assessment and provide feedback to GD in written on the observations and results of the assessment. • Respond to questions by GD on the results of the assessment if required.
Project Director-UNHCR Project
Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Gonoshasthaya Kendra
July 2022
-December 2022
Key Responsibilities: • Ensure quality implementation of project activities and governance of financial, HR, and admin affairs. • Maintain regular communications with HQ and UNHCR regarding program strategy, fundraising, and program operations at Cox's Bazar and Bhashan Char. • Represent GK-UNHCR in the ISCG of Humanitarian system in Cox’s Bazar, especially in Health Education, Child Protection, GBV, and other relevant sectors. • Maintain liaison with external stakeholders (govt., private and international/national organization, and humanitarian actors to promote and brand the organization and its work in the humanitarian response. • Leads the development of direct reports and team members by identifying and addressing appropriate skills development needs and fostering opportunities for individual growth. • Oversees and supports project teams and partners in financial planning within budget. • Close coordination with RRRC, CIC, DC, and other relevant government offices for ensuring compliance. Achievements: • Introduced new attendance monitoring & reporting system for field staffs that ensured staffs’ salary payment on time. Previously it was delayed for complexity in calculation and reporting. • Introduced new system for strengthening the monitoring and reporting system. • Developed an action plan based on audit findings and completed tasks as per action plan within timeframe. • Introduced new format /template for performance appraisal of staffs and appraisal completed on time. • Reduced the workload of HR department introducing new tools for CV Scoring & Shortlisting of candidates. • Wrote the annual report of the Cox’s Bazar project for the year 2022.
Country Representative Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh
German Doctors e.V.
September 2021
-July 2022
Key Responsibilities: • Form connection between German Doctors head office in Bonn and partner NGOs in Bangladesh • Close cooperation and regular meetings with project coordinators for all projects • Represent German Doctors concerns in front of partner organizations as well as other stakeholders. • Support in the development of existing projects. • Develop reliable networks with governmental bodies and non-governmental organizations. • Keep updated about new/ongoing programs and develop possibilities for new cooperations. • Involvement in the strategic discussion about sustainability strategies for the projects. • Developing country documents, reports, proposals, patient satisfaction surveys, etc. • Development of new projects (partner identification, capacity-building, cooperation opportunities etc.). • Provide supervision and ensure compliance including monitoring of finances in existing projects. • Develop and maintain a system of monitoring and evaluation of project activities and outcomes. • Conduct monthly supervision trips on site. Achievements: • Establishment of German Doctors e.V. Bangladesh Country Office, first time in Bangladesh. • Success in completion of a situational analysis exercise titled “Child Protection Audit” of partners of German Doctors through a consultant organization from India. • Arrangement of audit of partners by external auditor, first time in Bangladesh appointed by German Doctors. Previously auditors were hired by partners (NGOs) themselves. My work included the development of TOR, preparation of RFP, bidding process facilitation, communication and selection. • In-depth monitoring of “Covid19 Response Project” implemented by “Caritas”, an international NGO.
Monitoring & Evaluation Expert-LFA of the Global Fund
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Price Waterhouse Coopers Private Limited, India
October 2018
-October 2021
Key Responsibilities: • Assessment of PRs’ capacities in Program Management; Sub-Recipient Management; Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). • Ongoing progress review and disbursement recommendations. • Spot checks/ Data Quality Reviews (DQR) / Health Facility Assessment. • Verify Progress Update & provide assistance, as required, in grant closure. • Review consolidated/ reprogrammed performance indicators and targets and provide comments and recommendations to Global Fund. • Design necessary simplified tools that to use by the team members. • Train and provide guidance /support to team members in data verification. • Meet Global Fund Country Team & PRs upon request during in the -country visit. • Provide inputs, from time to time on other LFA services, on programmatic linkages with services. Achievements: • Conducted a survey titled “COVID19 disruption in health facilities in Bangladesh” in 15 GO and NGO health facilities (hospitals and health centres), operated by PRs and SRs of Global Fund. • Completed Data Quality Review of HIV Program implemented by PRs and SRs of Global Fund. • Completed M&E Capacity Assessment of HIV Program implementing partners. • Success in periodic review of Program Update and Disbursement Request (PUDR) of partners.
Program Director
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB)
June 2017
-October 2018
Key Responsibilities: • Program Designing and Planning. • Mobilization of funds for the organization. • Strategic planning and organization development. • Represent the organization in different forums or platforms. • Prepare human resource development plan for the organization. • Communication with donors and different types of stakeholders. • Staff deployment, monitoring, supervision and management. • Design, implementation, coordination and monitoring activities. • Communication / networking with organization, donor & counterpart. Achievements: • A large number of concept notes, project proposals were developed for ACLAB with the aim to support the Rohingyas in Bangladesh and most were awarded with funds by different donors. • Developed first ever Organization Management Guideline for ACLAB. • Contributed significant to publication of Annual Report of ACLAB in 2007. This is the first ever annual report of ACLAB printed in press.
Programme Manager
Dhaka, Bangladesh
January 2012
-December 2016
Key Responsibilities: • Conduct appraisals of development projects. • Prepare annual action plan and compile quarterly reports. • Assist in preparation of detailed work plans/budgets for the projects. • Analysis & synthesis of data & prepare documents when needed. • Prepare quarterly, half-yearly and annual reports for head quarter. • Project planning, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation. • Monitoring visits of projects funded by HEKS/EPER & prepare reports. • Provide assistance in facilitating & coordinating activities of partners. Achievements: • Introduced new monitoring & reporting system for Bangladesh country programme. • Assessment of flood situation (2015) in Kurigram (a district) in Northern part of Bangladesh and developed action plan to support women victims considering age, status & other characteristics. • Inclusion of disaster as main component and enlistment in the UN Roster for disaster prevention. • Facilitated workshops/trainings for program development and capacity building of partners. • Conducted Social Accountability Assessment (SAA) of HEKS/EPER partners in the Northern part of Bangladesh and oriented them on Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP).
Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bandhu Social Welfare Society
February 2011
-June 2011
Key Responsibilities: • Results and log-frame based reporting. • Finalization of Grant Specific M&E Plan. • Monitoring and supervision of activities. • Design and development of project monitoring system. • Data collection, compilation, analysis, and documentation. Achievements: Developed different types of reporting formats, monitoring tools and guidelines for the project.
Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
Bogura, Bangladesh
Light House
September 2010
-February 2011
Key Responsibilities: • Development of Project M&E system. • Monitoring of activities under different sub recipients at different areas. • Information collection, compilation, documentation, and analysis. • Comply with the requirements of Principal Recipient. Achievements: Developed reporting format, guideline and monitoring tools for the project.
Technical Coordinator
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Centre for Development Services (CDS)
March 2008
-February 2010
Key Responsibilities: • Management of project activities. • Documentation, analysis and reporting. • Maintain liaison with donors and stakeholders. • Planning, designing and coordination of activities. • Organize programs involving stakeholders & partners. • Management of partnership with NGOs and CBOs under consortium. Achievements: • Development of a Flip Chart focusing on the rights of sex workers and related laws, first ever in Bangla. • Success in arrangement of a Talk Show on the Rights of Sex Workers in a national TV Channel.
Site Coordinator
Jessore, Bangladesh
Dept of Social Services, Govt of Bangladesh
September 2001
-June 2007
Key Responsibilities: • Coordination of activities implemented by partners. • Staff management, monitoring and supervision. • Organization and facilitation of training for staffs and beneficiaries. • Communication with admin and ensure effective support. • Organization and facilitation of dialogue/workshop with stakeholders. • Management and monitoring of partnership with NGOs. Achievements: • Arranged employment for sex workers in different garments factories and NGOs. • Arranged admission of 59 children of sex workers in govt. schools. • Established partnership with different depts. (youth, women affairs, health, police etc.) of Bangladesh Govt. for capacity building, rights promotion and rehabilitation of sex workers.
Project Manager-HIV
Chittagong, Bangladesh
CARE Bangladesh
September 2000
-June 2001
Key Responsibilities: • Overall management of project. • Facilitation of trainings for staffs and beneficiaries. • Communication and networking with stakeholders. • Data collection, analysis, documentation and reporting. • Staff deployment, development, supervision and monitoring. • Partnership management with transport workers’ associations. Achievements: • Initial set up of HIV/AIDS prevention programme in Chittagong district. • Partnership with associations of transport workers & dock Labors for Drop in Center management. • Successful communication with department of police for safety of field workers engaged in HIV/AIDS prevention activities.
Programme Officer
Dhaka, Bangladesh
ActionAid Bangladesh
November 1998
-September 2000
Key Responsibilities: • Programme planning. • Partnership management. • Support partners and capacity building. • Prepare quarterly, half yearly and annual reports. • Monitoring of activities under different projects and programme. • Information collection, compilation, documentation and analysis. Achievements: • Worked for partnership appraisal. Received appreciation letter from the Country Director. • Worked as member of teams for evaluation of programs implemented by different partners. • Contributed to developing partnership proposal for Green Hill, a tribal organization. Worked and stayed for long time in remote hill tract areas in the western part of Bangladesh.
Programme Officer
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Voluntary Health Services Society (VHSS)
October 1994
-November 1998
Key Responsibilities: • Monitoring of activities under projects of different units. • Provide support to members and affiliated organizations. • Develop membership system and update membership status. • Organize and coordinate activities at local and national levels. • Act as the focal point for implementation of activities for partners. Achievements: • Worked for flood rehabilitation. Coordinated activities to support partners in 1997 & 1998. • Strengthened Focal Point system. As result, members’ subscription increased up to 100%. • Contributed significantly in publication of Health NGO Directory’97 & Annual Report 1997.
Secretary, Central Administration
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Gono Shahajjo Sangstha
July 1993
-September 1994
Key Responsibilities: • File maintenance. • Assist the Programme Head, Programmes. • Prepare organizational and project documents. • Communication with field staffs for programme implementation. Achievements: Worked on deputation for 6 months for Centre for Policy Dialogue (the renowned think thank) at the beginning of its journey in Bangladesh.
Master of Public Health
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Northern University Bangladesh
September 2009
-October 2011
Major in Epidemiology; Northern University Bangladesh (NUB), CGP: A- (3.88 out of 4.00), 2011. Dissertation title: “Safer sex related knowledge & behavior among brothel-based sex workers in Bangladesh”
Post Graduate Diploma
Oslo, Norway
International Summer School, University of Oslo,
June 1992
-August 1992
International Development Studies, Intl. Summer School, University of Oslo, Norway, PASS with Certificate of Achievement, 1992. Attended with full scholarship.
Master of Social Sciences (major in Social Welfare/Social Work)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
University of Dhaka
May 1988
-June 1992
1st Class (5th position), 1992