Amani Orphans and Widows Welfare Services Inc.

Amani Orphans and Widows Welfare Services Inc.


Email :


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Website :


Founded at :


Type :

Academic Institution

Size :

(11 – 30) Employees

Countries :

Australia, South Sudan

Sectors :

International Development

Amani Orphans and Widows is a national non-governmental, not for profit making, non-partisan and non-religious organization established by likeminded South Sudanese nationals in Australia in 2014 in the aftermath of the South Sudan 2013 civil war, to address the socio-economic challenges faced by indigent women (widows and their children) and vulnerable communities. Amani Orphans and Widows Welfare Services Inc was officially incorporated in March and registered in July 2018 in Australia IARN: A1024146G and ABN: 99821785872 and in South Sudan by the RRC - 5103. Amani South Sudan is a UN OCHA/SSHF eligible partner and a register partner in the UN Partner Portal: Partner ID-38427 and eligible for US federal grants, awards and contracts with Unique Entity ID RWHUBFCRPQA7, in SAM.gov. Amani Orphans and Widows don’t operate orphanage, we believe children and orphans belong in (adoptive/guardians) families, in the community but not in the orphanages, community-based care is the best. We want children and orphaned children to be cared for holistically—mind, body, and spiritually—and this happens in the community.