Compromise Technologies
77-16164 Street, 11366 USA
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(11 – 30) Employees
Countries :
United States
Sectors :
International Development
We are Compromise Technologies a New York based Web and IT solution services provider. We are fast & friendly outsourced IT departments for business from 10 to 10,000 people from startup to establish. We have all your Web & IT need covered, our New York based team of experts is ready to troubleshoot & solve your common problem, like a slow wifi connection, software debugging, security breach in web server and computer support. We also take on work complex needs such as setting up cybersecurity, moving your business infrastructure to the cloud, and maintaining your web server from hackers. "Our job is to make your organization more efficient through modern technology. We save your time by proactively setting you up for success and automating or handling material tasks while you are engaged in customer service or on hold. We ensure your meeting runs smoothly by setting up conferencing system that just simply works, no matter: what the issue is? We response quickly with an efficient solution for you. Compromise Technologies is all about getting rid of what slows your business down. So you can focus on what you do best.